Runes of Gallidon Community Wiki

(Note: you must be a registered member and logged in if you wish to edit this wiki.)

Ideas in the Wiki

Ideas for the world of Gallidon become official when they are published in Works or the Mythos section of this website. The wiki exists to document Ideas, Works, etc., in and about the world. An Idea presented solely in the wiki without any attribution to a Work or the Mythos section should be viewed with a dubious eye - it probably is not official...yet.

Where to Start

A good place to start exploring the wiki is the Category Index page.

You can also search for a subject/topic in the wiki by entering text in the box to the left above the "Search Wiki" button.

There is also a handy list of the five newest and the five recently updated wiki pages (see the boxes to the left).

Creating Pages

To create a new wiki page, enter the subject/topic in the text box above "Go Wiki" and click on the button. If there is already a wiki page with that title, you will be taken to it. If there is no existing wiki page with that title, you will be given the option of creating one.

Formatting Pages

For anyone new to wikis, see to view many of the common formatting options available (this wiki uses the same formatting rules as

This wiki is for the creative community to document the aspects, rumors, and workings of Gallidon as presented in Works published on this site.