last edited by MattCruikshank on June 6, 2009 - 6:37am

The Destruction

In the 5,101st Year of the Age of Gallidon, few were prepared for the suddenness and severity of the internal strife that erupted in the Imperial City.

The Greater House Kreal, masters of the mystical discipline of Illusion, had initiated a plot to eliminate rival Houses from Imperial favor. Standard gossip points to The Imperial Consort, mother of the Childe of the Isle (the Heir) and a daughter of House Kreal, as the mastermind behind the plot. Several theories abound about the motive, leaving many questions about why House Kreal would choose to embark on such a dangerous political game. Whatever the truth, events quickly gained momentum and spurred a polarization of other Noble Houses and the Imperial Court. Some Nobles took sides, some left the Imperial Isle, and many simply tried to hole up in the Imperial City to wait out the confrontation.

Over a two year period, the Imperial City was ripped apart by the subtle conflict started by House Kreal — the Emperor Gallidon was unable or unwilling to intercede. In the end, the summer of 5,101 AG saw the political, shadow infighting emerge into the light as open warfare. The Imperial City and Isle were devastated in an intense, all-out eight-day engagement of open warfare — warriors, assassins and sorcery of such magnitude that it escaped the control of many of its conjurers. It was the Destruction.

(Original source material here.)

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