last edited by Maia Jacomus on September 10, 2010 - 8:01am

Stretch of Shadow

Also called simply "the Stretch", this marshland falls on the Cold River in the Sea of Grass.

Government – The rule of the Stretch of Shadow is described as “a dynasty of youth”, in that as soon
as the heir becomes eighteen, the current Shaman abdicates, and the heir takes reign. This tradition is
derived from the tale of its original founder, Erginon, who first came upon the marshland while fishing.
He was only eighteen and the son of a fisherman, but saw potential in the shadowy land that none other
seemed to realize, a potential inspired by the strong presence of living sprits.
The rulers are his descendants. The ruler is called Shaman or Shamaness, who has a keen
dedication to the spirits of the marshland, and bases their judgments on the best possible decision for
both humans and sprits alike—if the spirits are satisfied, so are the humans, and vice versa. Each city
has a Chieftain that reports to the Shaman on behalf of their citizens.
It is generally accepted that the Shaman has a hint of Spirit Mastery adeptness, only to the point
of communication with the spirits. There are some who refute it, as Erginon was a commoner.

Terrain – Thriving marshland is what buries this kingdom in shadow. Between the tall reeds and vine-
strung trees, there is little room for light to escape through. The climate is balmy yet temperate in
spring, humid and steamy in summer, torrential rains in autumn, with only a slight chill in winter
accompanied by fog rather than snow. Fish, cranes, amphibians, and reptiles are the major inhabitants
of these lands, as well as dragonflies and mosquitoes. The only land suitable for any sort of farming lies
along the outer edges of the Stretch where the annual floods are lesser. In these areas, the people are
able to farm things such as rice and cranberries.

Culture – Due to the yearly floods in autumn, houses are all built on thick, sturdy stilts, with ladders to
climb when the water level is too low for direct travel. Travel between buildings in a neighborhood is
accomplished by bridges which connect the buildings. Travel between neighborhoods and cities—or
alternate travel for a time of day when the bridges are congested with traffic—is accomplished by boats.
The people who inhabit the Stretch of Shadow are typically reclusive, rarely travelling beyond
their neighborhoods. As such, neighborhoods are rather like large families, making covert affairs nearly
impossible to keep secret. Also, living in such close quarters often gives those who have “come of age” a
craving for a drastic move to a new home across the Stretch. Every year, during the first week of spring,
is an event known as “The Great Drift”, when all who yearn for long-distance travel make their trips.
While most travel from one city to the next to rest their nights in town inns, it is a growing trend to
assemble a group of travelers into one large house boat for the duration of the trip.
The flood season often does well to define friendships and enemies within neighborhoods. As
resources may became more scarce or more difficult to obtain, some make a point of helping others in
this difficult time, while others insist on only looking after themselves.
The greatest key descriptors of the Stretch people are resourceful, tight-knit, and spiritual. To
outsiders, they would likely seem antisocial, underhanded, and suspicious.

Commerce – Barter is frequently preferred between tradesmen (one trade service for another), and Imperial coins are typically only used when preferred by outsiders, or when no equal barter can be made. Their greatest exports are clothing and other goods and novelties crafted with crocodile and snake skin, and rice. Many fruits and vegetables are imported.

Warfare – Armor is crafted from crocodile skin in the design of plate maille for the higher ranking
officers, and in the design of standard tunics and slacks for the infantry. The majority of the army uses
bows and arrows, as the best fortress is merely an obliging tree branch. However, other weaponry used
are wooden clubs spiked with crocodile teeth, staves, pikes, and daggers. Warriors of the Stretch are
renowned for their excellent stealth, as they use the discretion of the shadows and the silent tread of
their soft-soled boots to lurk in hiding until an ambush opportunity comes along.

Cities of Note – Adal Berat, Radmil, Boyar, Termonik, Sokol, Kamin, Lagun. Alkat is the region's main capital, where the Shaman resides in a tree building known as the Shadowcast.

Other Sites of Note – Spirit Hallow, Sunray, the Nest, Totem Tidepool.

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