last edited by Shurijo on June 18, 2009 - 4:47pm

Telar Muhnrun

Telar Muhnrun was the Commander of the Imperial Guard.

Telar escaped the Destruction of the Imperial Isle and now lives in a monastery atop one of the border mountains in the Illuminated Peaks. He speaks to few and accepts no visitors

After the Destruction, Kytun Iye relayed the a message from Telar to various Imperial Guard outposts stating:

"Telar orders that all members of the Imperial Guard are to scatter. They are not to travel or gather in great numbers. They are to beware being used by those who would claim power. They are to remember their oath: to protect the Emperor, protect the Emperor’s people, protect the Empire. The Emperor’s fate remains unknown. The Empire falters. But the people remain. Protect the people. Those are the words of Telar Muhnrun."

Works including Telar Muhnrun:

"Telar Muhnrun" created by Brain Candy, LLC in Personal Account of Telar Muhnrun.

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