last edited by Shurijo on June 23, 2009 - 7:59pm


The fortress-port-city of Vaneth is the strongest remanent of the Empire. From within its vast walls, the expanse of the Middle Kingdom is ruled with all the traditions and much of the force of Gallidon's Empire. The City of the Dead, as it is frequently referred to, is home to the Greater Noble House Vanth, masters of the Art of Necromancy. Dedicated to maintaining the civilized peace of their ancestors, the daughters and sons of House Vanth strive to ensure stability by overseeing the largest standing army and trading fleet known. Numerous castles and fortresses are found along the northern coast of the Inner Sea and much of the south. All that martial force and maritime trade is centered and controlled in Vaneth.

The House Vanth Academy is located within the city of Vaneth. It is maintained by House Vanth to provide Vanth nobles an education in the Art of Necromancy. The academy is of the finest quality schools in Gallidon.

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