last edited by tony on August 3, 2009 - 2:11pm

Tar Mira

“The threat of Imperial involvement had traditionally held the volatile lower noble houses of Tar Mira in check.”

The city-state of Tar Mira is one of the emerging examples of post-Empire governance. The Imperial Administrator still retains power, but only at the sufferance of the Nobles. The various multitude of Lower Noble Houses vie to fill the rapidly expanding vacuum of power while a bureaucracy struggles to maintain the stability of daily life for the inhabitants.

All manners of virtue and vice are available in the streets of Tar Mira. Festivals and celebrations are common occurrences, the people of the city-state are dedicated to enjoying their lives. The days leading up to a festival can always be identified by the number of people wearing faction-patches based on location within the city, guild affiliations, loyalties to lodges or Lower Noble Houses, etc. These factions within the city compete in a wide variety of contests, from grand parades judged by supposedly impartial authorities to displays of, sometimes lethal, martial skills. Operating beneath the factions are a host of gangs ranging from simple bully-boys controlling a few small blocks to criminal masterminds overseeing entire districts of the city-state.

Duels are common, but typically not to the death as murder is a serious offense under Imperial law (also, deaths resulting from duels often spur blood feuds that may last generations). The Orders are strictly enforced in Tar Mira, with a very active branch of the Society of the Orders and a small army of Scholars found throughout all levels of society to argue for their clients and settle disputes. The district Magistrates are the Emperor's representatives for justice with a High Lord Magistrate of Tar Mira overseeing them.

Tar Mira was founded by children of three Greater Noble Houses: Vanth, Atiron and Talire - masters of Necromancy, Alteration, and Celestial Forces respectively. In recent centuries, no greater noble house maintains an official presence in the city-state.

Tar Mira is connected to the cities of Halan, Kinbornu, and Krea'al via the Imperial Road.

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