Artisan’s Corner
These are links to areas in the wilds of the Internet that have no legal connection to Runes of Gallidon. We visit them and recommend them to friends, but we DO NOT represent them, nor do they represent Runes of Gallidon in any way.
Have a favorite creative resource (website, book, video, etc.) that you like? Please contact us and suggest it!
The Workshop Forum
You might want to start by posting your question in the Workshop Forum or checking to see if your question has already been addressed there. We all have valuable insights to share, so check with the community first!
Writing Fundamentals
In-house, we use the Fourth Edition of Elements of Style by Strunk & White for basic rules of grammar and punctuation. Elements of Style by Strunk & White can be found for free online at: or
Writing Fiction
The following resources (listed in no particularly order) are ones we have personally read, enjoyed, and found useful. This is by no means an exhaustive or definitive list, but we can honestly say that we use the resources below on a regular basis (if we fail to live up to their guidance, the fault is ours, not theirs).
Hooked, by Les Edgerton
A thorough approach to making page 1 of your story - indeed, your first sentence - one that compels the reader to go to page 2.
Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy, by Jeffrey A. Carver
A helpful, easy-to-understand online writing course that literally walks you through the process from start to finish.
Immediate Fiction (How to Write a Novel), by Jerry Cleaver
For the worst procrastinator, the most confused beginner, the writer who just can't seem to get things going, this book's for you.
How to Write a Damn Good Novel, by James Frey
A comprehensive overview of novel writing, from dialogue to characters.
Plot & Structure, by James Scott Bell
This books discusses how to craft a plot, but also touches on other topics like the importance of tension, how to construct scenes, and symbols/motifs.
Quick Tips for a Runes of Gallidon Writer
Tips we keep posted around for when the keyboard gets stuck, and no words appear in the empty white field...