New Ideas presented in community posting boards, unless they are already included in published Works, are not subject to credit/attribution enforcement.
In order for citizens to claim credit and require attribution over Ideas, they must submit their Ideas in a Work and have it published in the Imperial Gallery.
Issues, concerns, or questions regarding this policy should be directed to an Administrator.
-Approved and issued by Emperor Gallidon in the year 1,244 A.G.
-Witnessed by the Imperial Administrator of Inscriptions"
ORDER 1784 - Ideas in Forum Postings.
New Ideas presented in community posting boards, unless they are already included in published Works, are not subject to credit/attribution enforcement.
In order for citizens to claim credit and require attribution over Ideas, they must submit their Ideas in a Work and have it published in the Imperial Gallery.
Issues, concerns, or questions regarding this policy should be directed to an Administrator.
-Approved and issued by Emperor Gallidon in the year 1,244 A.G.
-Witnessed by the Imperial Administrator of Inscriptions"