Celebrating a Year of Collaboration: Runes of Gallidon Turns 1!

Well, you can blame it on the holidays - among other things - but it took a tweet from @AllenVarney today to remind the Stewards that Runes of Gallidon went live just over a year ago...

Just before Thanksgiving of 2008, runesofgallidon.com went from a mere billboard to a functional site with content, a forum, user registration, and a working submissions process. Still, it was a far cry from what it is today, and the biggest difference is the interest, enthusiasm, and support of the creative community at large.

Over the past year, we've seen some amazing ideas pour in as people discovered Gallidon and helped us explore the world together through fiction, art, photos, and even an RPG guide. Right now, there are posts in the Workshop forums about cosplay requests, pleas for help with generating monsters, and several ideas being floated about new ideas for the 7th Kingdom and - gasp! - possibly dragons.

This kind of peer-level collaboration and support is exactly what the Stewards hoped would happen. It's what Runes of Gallidon is all about.

In short, the creative community is demonstrating an interest in participating in Runes of Gallidon, and the Stewards are feeling mighty flattered. It's been a great year - thank you!

Scott, Tony, and Andy
World Stewards of Gallidon