It's Officially...Official

We sent out a PR release today announcing the official launch of Runes of Gallidon (it's on the Web, so it MUST be true):


PASADENA, CA -- Night falls on an empire five thousand years in the making; dawn awaits those courageous enough to seize power. So begins Runes of Gallidon (, a living fantasy world of fiction, art, games, comics, and more. Runes of Gallidon is designed for creative collaboration, where anyone can submit a new work to help tell the next chapter in the world’s story.

Brain Candy, LLC announced today that its Runes of Gallidon fantasy world web site has moved from beta to official status. “We’re excited by the site’s potential as a showcase for creative people with an affinity for fantasy and adventure. We built the backdrop for Gallidon – geography, politics, mythos, etc. – but we’re inviting fans to forge Gallidon’s future by creating their own works,” said Scott Walker, President of Brain Candy, LLC.

There is no cost to join the community or enjoy the original content on the Runes of Gallidon site. All of the content on Runes of Gallidon is shared under a Creative Commons license, which allows creators to retain ownership to their creations but also encourages the community to share and build upon existing world content. Brain Candy, LLC maintains editorial control over the site and reviews submissions prior to their inclusion in the Gallidon story.

"We want to give fans the opportunity to be part of the world creation, not just stuck on the sidelines. By supporting what fans are already doing - remixing their favorite content - we help them find new ways to interact with the world on their own terms," said Tony Graham, Lead Editor at Brain Candy, LLC.

The site is actively seeking new fans, writers, and artists to contribute to Gallidon’s legacy. Advertisers interested in reaching an online community of fantasy enthusiasts should contact Brain Candy, LLC about advertising opportunities on the site.

About Brain Candy, LLC

Brain Candy, LLC applies its renewable entertainment franchise model to new and existing intellectual property lines to encourage stronger fan interaction and sustained content creation. Using a Creative Commons CC+ licensing structure, Brain Candy, LLC encourages the sharing and remixing of creative ideas while offering the creative community several ways to participate in the transmedia world narrative.”

Respectfully Submitted,
Stewards of Gallidon