Comic-Con 2009 Artists & Artisans

Illustrators are the real stars at Comic-Con, but many are startlingly camera shy. Nonetheless, we managed to capture the souls of a few with the mighty juju of digital photography. Our own artisans were a tad more willing.

Ruena meets a favorite illustrator of Conan - Brom.

Ruena and Merritt plan mischief in the fabled halls of Comic-Con.

Holly Golightly happily said hello. Jim Balent became one with the shadows. Probably hanging out with Tarot.

Tim Vigil drew a fantastic pencil illustration of Ruena. Look for it next week on the home page.

Scott and Ruena. Ignore those stormtroopers in the background. Go about your business.

Justin Sweet & Ruena. They have history. We're still waiting for his Ruena image. Could be a long wait.

Mischief accomplished. Video proof of said activity coming soon. We hope.

Ruena checks out the works of Ernie Chan, veteran of Marvel & DC.

Ruena denied temptation.

And she was happy she did when a fan asked her to strike the pose seen on the table poster card.