Advanced Search?

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010

Is there an advanced search feature for the gallery?

I would like to be able to sort stories in a couple of different ways, if possible, so if someone could tell me how, that would be great.

1)By region. I want to be able to read pieces based in the same region of the world that I want to write in.

2)Chronologically. I could really use a chronological list, or at least a chronological summary of what has been written so far, so I know where various stories are at. I don't know where I could fit a story if I don't know the history of the world up to this point.

Is this kind of sorting possible?

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Advanced Search?

Searching by region is easy. There's a series of galleries filtered by region (see the bottom right corner of the home page or click on the "Regions" button located near the top of the left-side menu on sub-pages).

If you are looking only for certain kinds of Works (e.g., only Flash Fiction or only images) set in a region, the best way to locate these is to use the Advanced Search (it's an expandable link located directly under the search bar at the search page:

Advanced Search allows you to search by medium, region, and/or tag (people, places, things). Just click on the options in the box to the right to select different search criteria.

There is currently no chronological search for Works, but that is a functional piece we've considered adding to the website (basically, a field that would list the year for the Work). Even that would be less than sufficient, as a Work might span years, decades, potentially even centuries. We're still noodling on how to capture that information.

The best 'world up to this point' place to begin with is the Artisan's Handbook (look for the link on the left menu). It contains the entire Mythos section in one .pdf document.

If you're still struggling after checking out these resources, please contact me so I can help!

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010
Oooooh lol Thanks. I feel

Oooooh lol

Thanks. I feel kind of silly for not being able to find that on my own, now that I know where it is. *sigh* Being a noob always sucks.

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
There are no noobs in Gallidon

We have visitors, guests, patrons, Artisans, and Stewards. But no noobs. Sorry, you'll have to pick another label. : )

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010
I had an idea on this: What

I had an idea on this:

What about a clickable timeline graph? There could be a timeline for each region if necessary. Long periods of time could be seen at a glance, as well as stories that overlapped in time or happened simultaneously.

I'm not a computer genius but it seems like a workable idea, so I thought I'd share it. :)

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: I had an idea on this

Excellent idea, thanks for suggesting it!

I'm looking at a couple of options for visually indexing Works based on chronology (one is very similar to your description above).

Just to give you an idea of some of the other things already on the 'would be great if we had this' list:

- a set of detailed maps at the kingdom/area level
- an update to the Works page layout and design
- an iPad app
- avatars to indicate your role (guest, patron, Artisan, etc.) when posting comments on Works and forum posts and on your bio page.
- an update the Artisans of Gallidon page design

In the past month, we rolled out an auto notification system so you can receive emails whenever someone comments on a Work or wiki page, edits a wiki page, or replies to a forum post.

We're constantly trying to improve the experience here, so please continue to offer suggestions. We have a limited budget for site development (and free time), so every bit of feedback helps us prioritize site updates based on what the community really wants!

Scott Walker
World Steward