H'Drin Help

Member: 307
Joined: Oct 21 2009

Okay, I am the author of Righting the Wrongs and the main character's name is H'Drin. He is a Shape-Changer from the High Hills and is making his way back there from the Rock. What I would LOVE from someone in the community is to build me some baddies, please. H'Drin has a long way to get back to his village in the High Hills and when he gets there he will find his village basically a "ghost-town" and will go on the hunt for the M'teoulin, who devastated his village.

I need him to meet up some rather unsavory sorts on the way there? They could be monsters, guilds, or whatever. Any ideas would be awesome.

Member: 322
Joined: Nov 2 2009
Baddie for you

I have something in the works that you could possibly use. It should be published here soon, and you can take a look at it. They are a creature that has the ability to turn people into one of it. It has no name at the moment, and has a good amount of additional work to get done on them. Let me know if you're interested.

Member: 361
Joined: Dec 6 2009
and More baddies

I am also working on adding some Baddies to Gallidon. I believe I have one for the high hills area. Its just in concept right now but I will try to do a flash fiction story for you this weekend so you can use it in your story.

Member: 307
Joined: Oct 21 2009
Yeah, that would be awesome!

Yeah, that would be awesome!