Just looking to chat with everyone...

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010

The general forum seems to move pretty slow, so I thought I'd post a thread for everyone to chat and get to know one another.

So hi! I'm a writer, still working on my first work. You can call me Ren. Please introduce yourselves and maybe we can all make friends.

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Hi, Ren!

Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself!

Looking forward to hearing more about your work. What kind of work/which medium is it in? Which creatives inspire you?

I happen to love William Gibson's and Richard Morgan's writing styles, though I grew up on a regular diet of Tolkien and LOTR. : )

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010

I'm working on a short story based in the Isles right now. ^^ I'm a slow writer.

I have a ton of favorite books and writers but some of them include: Margaret Weis, Terry Pratchett, Tamora Peirce, etc. Fantasy and YA are my steady diet.

I am also a huge Stephen King fan. I love his books, but I also respect him very much for his talent in general. His "On Writing" is practically my bible.

Do you have favorite "how to" type books? I"m always interested in trying out whatever inspires others.

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Writing references

Glad to hear the Isles will be getting some attention!

I read a lot of 'how-to' books two years ago before writing anything for Gallidon, and I posted my favorite reads over at the Artisan's Corner (Tony Graham and I also wrote up some personal guidelines, which we posted there).

Thanks for the recommendation on King's latest - it's about time I make another pass through the 'how-to' section and update the Corner!

As a side note, I just finished Blake Snyder's 'Save the Cat' - it's about screenwriting, but some of the general points about writing carry over well into traditional fiction.

Lastly, I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year (user name is scott_walker). Hoping to hack out a novella for Gallidon (set in the Wastelands)...

Member: 509
Joined: Oct 8 2010
NaNOWriMo etc

Every time NaNo comes around it seems like I'm really busy. Fall is a cluttered time of year for my family. I wish it happened a couple times a year so maybe my schedule would be free enough for me to attempt it. I'm not brave enough to try in November!

It did give me an idea though: Maybe there could be a forum for finding a collaborator? I mean, the whole world is a collaboration, but for collaboration within single works. Maybe no one else would be terribly into it, but I think it would be fun to try writing a story or even a novella with a partner.

Just a thought. I hope no one thinks I'm trying to rock the boat when I'm still pretty new to the world. It just gives me so many ideas!

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: NaNOWriMo etc

I think NaNoWriMo is not a process that works well for every writer, but a self-imposed NaNo for anyone who hasn't tried it is highly recommended if November just isn't a good time. The biggest challenge most people face when writing is actually making the time to write (the second is putting in the time to actually improve your craft). NaNo *is* great as a discipline device for hitting daily word counts.

The Workshop forum is the perfect place for creatives to swap tips, get feedback, and find collaborators. It was set up for just those reasons!

I would love to see a writer and an illustrator collaborate on a comic, for instance. Or a few writers collaborate on a large work or a series of short stories (think "Thieve's World"). Multiple author submissions are perfectly acceptable.

Suggestions and recommendations are always welcome, regardless of how long you've been visiting Gallidon. Keep 'em coming!

Scott Walker
World Steward