Setting Up the Loom

Member: 880
Joined: Feb 18 2011

And now it's time to set up the loom to begin weaving my tale. I suppose I should move my questions to this forum from the other--it seems more appropriate.

The North Realm -- does it end at the sea? Or is it more an ice cap as here on Terrra? Are there glaciers? Or just tundras bleak with snow?

Member: 880
Joined: Feb 18 2011

In your canon, you stated that currency is still the same value across the land. But with the Empire breaking up, and various kings and queens setting themselves up as Powers in their own regions, wouldn't it stand to reason that as a way to generate more income for their own lands, they would devalue currency from other lands--or even forcing the people/merchants to exchange other currency into their own (for a nominal fee, of course...)?

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Currency

The Mythos states "valuations remained consistent with the metal used (all gold coins carried the same value, regardless of whether the emperor’s seal or a city graced their faces)."

The Mythos quote above uses past tense, and for good reason! Things have been changing for centuries, and with The Destruction, the process has greatly accelerated. The old rules no longer necessarily apply.

With the establishment of separate kingdoms, it's quite possible that some have created their own currency, even as they continue to accept imperial coin. And certainly there are those who will extract value from the changing market by way of simple arbitrage.

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 880
Joined: Feb 18 2011
Weapons & Manned Flight
  • grabs a cannoli*


  • catches a glimpse of Guido & Nunzio standing in the shadows, cracking their knuckles*

Right, no guns or gunpowder. What about crossbows?

And manned flight? Do they have hot air balloons? Either tethered or free flying?

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Weapons & Manned Flight

Crossbows are definitely present in Gallidon.

As for hot air balloons (or their equivalent), they're not out of the question...though their mechanism would likely be magical in nature, and as such, be somewhat limited and prone to somewhat unreliable performance. Even after 5,000 years, magic is far more art than science, and its use - even by the Greater Houses - is not without a certain degree of risk. : )

Still, if you want to introduce this kind of concept into the world, you can do so by submitting a flash fiction or short story. If your concept fits within existing canon and world continuity (i.e., it's reasonably justified), it will find a home in Gallidon.

Of course, you always have the option of submitting a work meant to be "Alternate History." These works are considered part of the Gallidon portfolio, but they are not part of the official canon. Consider them to be apocrypha or alternate timelines, and only Na'naat knows what happens in those...zeppelins, talking lamps, elves...maybe even a Gallidon where The Destruction never happened!

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
North Realm lands

It's a bit of all of the above. As described on the official world map, the North Realm is comprised of "snow-covered forests and hills, icy lakes, and narrow, steep-sided bays."

The North Realm technically covers the white (ice) portion of the upper continent and everything north of the upper continent as shown on the map (i.e., any islands and glaciers - both the large ones on the map and the countless smaller ones not shown).

House Vakur's reach also includes much of the boreal area along and below the tundra line.

The once distinct borders that demarcated the different areas each Greater House was originally responsible for have long since blurred, if not had themselves totally redrawn. Unlike the Illuminated Peaks and Middle Kingdom (both of which have aggressively asserted themselves as independent kingdoms since The Destruction and taken steps to both tighten and expand their borders), the High Hills and North Realms have taken a less active stance.

The result is the area controlled by House Vakur has recently begun to shrink along its borders with Houses Ishi and Vanth. Interestingly, House Vakur has actually somewhat expanded its control along the High Hills border, though its reasons are not clear at this time (Far Sight is said to be anything but a rational experience, and spending too much time looking along the spectrum of time is rumored to send a person down a path of slow insanity).

But, much like the rest of Gallidon, borders are in flux, and the old rules no longer (always) apply...

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 880
Joined: Feb 18 2011
  • cracks knuckles*
  • opens up a blank page*
  • queues up Pandora radio*
  • puts on headphones*
  • cranks volume to drown out wife's TV program*
  • kicks characters out of his mind and onto the page*

And so it begins...

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Onward!

Excellent. Looking forward to seeing what emerges from your imagination! : )

Scott Walker
World Steward

Member: 880
Joined: Feb 18 2011

Isn't that special? Pop up my first submission and make a capitalization error on the title. Great way to WOW y'all. =(

At any rate, fire in the hole!

Member: 5
Joined: Sep 2 2008
Re: Meh!

No worries - title typos are never held against you. : )

Submission received and in the review queue!

Scott Walker
World Steward