
Most of the coding updates to the Gallidon site this year have been behind the scenes, but we just rolled out some new functionality that will help you stay automatically informed about changes to published content on the site.

You can now select specific Works, Forum posts, and Wiki pages to 'watch,' and any time there is a change, you'll be notified by email.

New comments on Works, replies to Forum threads, and edits/comments to Wiki pages will all be automatically sent to your email address, so you can stay informed about the latest in Gallidon, even when you're away from your computer.

Look for the 'watch' link on pages, and if you want to track changes to that page, simply click on the link (you need to be logged in if you want add/remove a page from your watch list):

Once you have added a page to your watcher list, you can manage your watched pages on the 'My Watched Posts' tab on your account:

The My Watched Posts tab contains all the details of the posts you're watching, allowing you to change settings for each post or even stop watching a post altogther:

We hope this new functionality helps you stay up to date on the latest from the shores of Gallidon!

- Stewards of Gallidon

It's been a while since we last saw Cassandra.

Cassandra is a member of the Morgan clan, a family with a long lineage of serving as rangers, guardians of the High Hills sworn to protect its lands and people.

She has walked the ranger path for three years. It means leaving the comfort of home and family behind. It's a lonely path.

But lonely does not always mean being alone...

'Morgan' follows Cassandra's investigation of an old threat to the High Hills, a threat once thought long eliminated. But as with so much of the rest of Gallidon, The Destruction and the emperor's disappearance seem to have marked the beginning of a new era for the world.

Things are not as they once were.

The 'Morgan' comic begins below, but you can jump to the most recent page here.

World Steward Scott Walker managed to get down to San Diego for a day's worth of entertainment goodness at Comic Con. And there was indeed quite a bit of goodness being cooked up at the convention this year.

Sadly, one day is simply not enough for the convention.

One day is barely enough time to really work your way through Artist's Alley and the Fantasy Illustrator's section (well, barely enough time if you want to see it all and actually meet and talk to your favorite artists).

The crowds were, as usual, polite but packed.

The good news is that there was plenty of fantasy art, fiction, and comics to be had, and after a day of panels and walking the convention floor, Scott put a wrap on Comic Con 2010 with a fine dinner and drinks at the Indian restaurant, Masala, in the Gaslight District.

Until next year, Comic Con!

We're moving to a new hosting platform and rolling out some new functionality. The process begins today at 3pm PDT, and we hope to keep the downtime minimal. With Na'naat's blessing, we'll be back up pretty quickly.

Please be patient if you stop by and get a "we'll be right back!" message.

World Steward Scott Walker was interviewed earlier this week by Heather Leonard at The Business Insider about (wait for it)...Runes of Gallidon!

Well, you can blame it on the holidays - among other things - but it took a tweet from @AllenVarney today to remind the Stewards that Runes of Gallidon went live just over a year ago...

The official calendar for Gallidon has been posted in the Empire section of the Mythos, as well as in the Gallidon Wiki.

This calendar was the official, imperial version used by the Emperor, his Nobles, and his Administrators, though it's certainly possible that it wasn't the only one in use before the Destruction.

Artisans should view this a starting point and not an end point when considering the use of dates and calendars in their Works.

To help with some of the questions from the creative community that specifically address the creation of new works in Gallidon, we've created a new forum: The Workshop.

The Workshop is dedicated to the creative community for requesting and sharing advice, tips, and hints. It is also a great way for you to reach out to the creative community about collaborative works.

Have some questions you'd like to pose to Artisans? Want to get some feedback on one of your ideas?

Here's the place to do it.

Have a story for a comic but don't know how to draw? Have some art you think would be great in a video game or a novel? Want to submit an audio cast of your story but don't know how to record it?

Here's the perfect place to reach out to the creative community if you want to pool your skills on a new work.

The value of this forum is limited only by your willingness to ask and answer each other.

The most common challenge of writers is finding the time/energy/willingness/discipline to actually write. The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge is a great way to overcome that hurdle.

To help encourage the Artisan community to get that novel out of their head, the Stewards of Gallidon are one of the sponsors of NaNoWriMo 2009.

Here's how NaNoWriMo works (as explained on their site):

Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.

Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.

Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing. By forcing yourself to write so intensely, you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes. To forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create. To build without tearing down.

Rumors are that at least one Steward is taking up the challenge...will you join him?

While knocking around Comic-Con 2009, we asked Alex Ruiz to sketch Ruena. He happily complied and allowed us to record him working his illustrating magic.

Below is a time-lapse video of the sketch (and you can also view the finished sketch).

Ruena is portrayed by Kali Chung. Video wizardry provided by Michael Lee. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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