
Gallidon continues to expand, and more information about the world finds its way onto the website.

To ensure that the information on the website matches the information in the Artisan's Handbook, the Stewards have just completed an update to the downloadable .pdf Handbook.

The updated Handbook can be viewed/downloaded here (or you can click on the "Artisan's Handbook" link in the left menu).

- Stewards of Gallidon

Ruena meets Batman, learns Klingon, touches Conan, sees a familiar Artisan, and says farewell from San Diego.

Ruena is portrayed by Kali Chung. The Artisan with No Name is portrayed by Merritt Bailey. Video wizardry provided by Michael Lee. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Ruena discovers (a) she's not the only one who's been mysteriously transported to San Diego from their homeworld and (b) Mrs. Fields cookies.

More video coverage of Comic-Con 2009 to come.

Ruena is portrayed by Kali Chung. Video wizardry provided by Michael Lee. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

More Cosplay pictures - fewer captions.

Illustrators are the real stars at Comic-Con, but many are startlingly camera shy. Nonetheless, we managed to capture the souls of a few with the mighty juju of digital photography. Our own artisans were a tad more willing.

Comic-Con brought out an army of Cosplay enthusiasts. Ruena tried to pose with them all. Here is a first batch of pictures.

We, unfortunately, must assume responsibility for the dodgy photography...

Cosplay. Sneak Previews. Armed duels. Over 125,000 fantasy and science fiction fans under one roof. We got to meet a lot of great people, see some very cool art, and do a little bit of shopping. Kali Chung reprised her role as "Ruena Kreal" and hit the floor Friday and Saturday.

What follows are some initial evidence pictures from the convention.

More snippets of Ruena strolling the floor at Comic-Con and taking in the sights.

Ruena is portrayed by Kali Chung. Video wizardry provided by Michael Lee.

Ruena sends greetings from the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con. The Runes of Gallidon team is mingling with the crowd of heroes, villains, and, most important of all, the fans!

More video coverage of Comic-Con 2009 to come.

Ruena is portrayed by Kali Chung. Video wizardry provided by Michael Lee.

The Brain Candy crew are hitting the road Thursday for the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con. We'll be strolling the floor Friday and Saturday with Ruena (portrayed by Kali Chung). For those curious about who Ruena is, check out Flight.

Don't hesitate to stop us and say hello.
Hint: The Stewards are easy to spot. We're the chatty gents following Ruena around.

Contact one of the Stewards if you'll be heading down and want to synch up.

Until then, here's a little behind-the-scenes look at how Ruena's costume was created:

Tony Graham
Steward of Gallidon

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