
We just posted four short videos that explain the basics of how Runes of Gallidon works:

  • Part 1 - Welcome (an introduction to Runes of Gallidon)
  • Part 2 - Work v. Idea
  • Part 3 - Licensing
  • Part 4 - Submissions

With many thanks to Kali Chung, Merritt Bailey, and Michael Lee for their help in the creation of these videos.

Scott Walker
Steward of Gallidon

DISCLOSURE: No Artisans were harmed in the making of these videos.

We sent out a PR release today announcing the official launch of Runes of Gallidon (it's on the Web, so it MUST be true):


Shedding the shackles of beta status, Runes of Gallidon officially launched today. A new front page and design accompanied the shift from beta to official status (hope you like the new look).

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback over the past several months as we tweaked, tinkered, kicked, and occasionally cursed our way to this version of the site!

Scott Walker
Steward of Gallidon

Apologies, no new Works this week. We're neck-deep in the middle of a site update including splendid UI changes and mysterious behind-the-curtain prestidigitation in preparation for the official launch in the coming weeks. The next installment of the Morgan comic along with new art & fiction will appear next week on schedule.
Look, read, listen and then create, collaborate and share. This fantasy world of swords, magic, adventure and mystery is user-generated. You own what you create. Find out more!

We just launched a new version of the site, including some UI goodness and lots of functional back-end stuff in preparation for our official launch in July. Look, read, listen and then create, collaborate and share. This fantasy world of swords, magic, adventure and mystery is user-generated. You own what you create. Find out more here.

Runes of Gallidon is currently receiving some upgrades to the site behind the scenes as part of our ongoing redesign and retooling. You might witness some weird behavior. Don't stare (it could be hostile), just move along and rest assured the keen intellects of our dev team are threatening, cajoling and coddling Drupal into a superior working order. Thanks for your patience.

Andy enjoyed the smaller, more focused nature of Wondercon.

...well, Andy, anyway!

Thanks to the crew at Gnome Stew for giving Runes of Gallidon a nod recently!

Many thanks to Nathan Burke and Jason Brandenburg over at blogstring for the great and accurate write-up of Runes of Gallidon!

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